
Horse-Human Relationships
- R+
Dog Training - Even though this is a dog training website,
Cathy Toft clearly shows the magic of positive reinforcement.
E.A.R.S. - The Equine Angels Rescue Sanctuary was
established to rescue foals, mares, geldings and stallions and place
them into loving homes. Check out Frank Weller's beautiful book,
Equine Angels.
- LRTC Wild
Horse Mentors - Mission: To ensure appropriate and safe
homes for adopted animals and a satisfying experience for
Training Info - Fear inhibits learning so KBR works to get
the horse to invest his energy in curiosity rather than fear-based
NAGTrader - Articles and information on all things
equestrian, emphasizing a natural approach to horsemanship with
Trader section for horse & tack and forums.
TAGteach - Keri Gorman
teaches technologies based on the science of learning and positive
of Natural Dressage - Pressure-free, force-free dressage.
Natural Hoof Care
Ironfree Hoof - Paige Poss and friends developed this
site as a resource for understanding the Natural Barefoot Trim
and how to get started.
- Hoof
Nexus - Daniel Hofford's website offers a comprehensive
study of the hoof and equine nutrition.
- Click
and Trim - Kim Cassidy shares her insights into clicker
training and natural hoof care.
Bitless Bridle - I wouldn't leave home without
it. Romeo loves his BB.
Bitless Bridle UK - Sheila Lee Thompson is a
Bitless Bridle Associate Clinician.
Bitless Equitation - Krystyna Rogers of Bitless
Equitation Ltd. is a Bitless Bridle Associate Clinician.
Horse Nutrition
Safer Grass - Current research on nutrition
and prevention of disease, especially laminitis.
Soy Online Services - A site for humans that
questions the validity of soy as a food. I'm including
this because I'm concerned about the effects of soy in
horse feed.
Natural Encounters
- Connects humans with the natural world through training
wild birds using positive reinforcement.
Soquili Center - Ed Littlefox, a Native American
traditionalist and full time Professional Equine Specialist,
provides insight into the wonders of equine/human relationships.